Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Food's Ready!! Come on in & eat!

It has taken a little fine tuning, but we have put together a great menu for our guests!!
From delicious muffins and fruit platters to homemade lasagna, soups and sandwiches.

Let us know if you prefer to leave the cooking for us, we would be glad to lend a hand!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's just wonderful that this Home with such wonderful history will now go on to be a lively place for many who will share their talents, works, and each other when they meet for their events.
    The Nuns were a part of this community for years teaching many generations all they needed to know as they grew up and renewing their faith.
    Then it housed the elderly and people who needed assistance. Having worked there for fifteen years I know each room was filled with many people who left behind their history and loving stories.
    Kathy after all your hard work to prepare it for this next venture, may it become a success and keep the history of the "Sisters" home living on in our community. May everyone who visits and stays there have a wonderful experience.
